Liposuction Cost Turkey and Best Liposuction Clinics

Liposuction Cost Turkey and Best Liposuction Clinics

Liposuction Cost Turkey

Liposuction is a clinical surgery technique which removes stubborn body fat. Whether this technique firstly used in the interwar period by Charles Dujarier. In the mean time, He was a French surgeon. Of course, liposuction was not like today’s’ method and we cannot say that his method was successful in every patient. However, thanks to developments in clinical surgery in the mid-1970s, today this method is very safe, and people frequently prefer liposuction. After the invention of the cannula technique, the process became more easier and faster. We researched liposuction clinics and liposuction cost in Turkey. So today, we are going to give information about best liposuction clinics in Turkey.

What is Liposuction and Which People Can Benefit from This Method?

What is Liposuction and Which People Can Benefit from This Method?

Basically, cannula is a metal pipe which expels fat from specific area of the body to outside. Cannula can take different shapes. Larger pipes are used for the sucking fat from body. On the other hand, microcannula is used for the contouring the body after the fat expelling procedure. After the removal of the fat, it can either injected the other areas of the body like face or breasts to achieve more balanced look. When surgery is ended, generally your doctor expects you to wear corset. Also, this procedure fastens the healing and helps to block leakage.

Today Liposuction operation  takes 1-2 hours and could be implement with or without anesthesia through patients’ request. Also, local anesthesia to implementation area too is a mostly preferred option among patients. Thus, patient does not feel any pain during the operation. Moreover, healing process is too relatively easy when we are comparing with the other surgeries. Of course, there are some pain appears and it can take 2 to 10 weeks. However, this is like a muscle ache and patients can easily turn their daily life after two or three days without any problem. Nevertheless, if your pain increase in the area that liposuction infused, you should take your doctor’s advice. Because normally it is not expected.

Liposuction Mostly Using Following Areas

Liposuction Mostly Using Following Areas

It is important to mention that liposuction is not a weight-loss method. Also, this is not working patients who have morbid obesity disease or insulin resistance disease. In the lighting of this information, liposuction mostly works among persistent sectional fats. So, it is much more favorable for patients who lose weight with physical activity or diet.

  • Abdomen/Tummy
  • Love Handles
  • Waist
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Jawline
  • Arm
  • Inner and Outer Tighes

Liposuction Methods

Liposuction methods are evolved too after the 1970s. The process that I above mentioned is called Classic Liposuction. However, today surgeons use more easy and effective methods. Especially in Turkish clinics, most common methods are Laser Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction.

liposuction cost turkey What is laser Liposuction and Commonly Used Areas

What is Laser Liposuction and Commonly Used Areas

Comparing with the Vaser Liposuction, Laser liposuction is a more old-fashioned method. Simple logic of this method is melting fat cells with using triple wavelength technology. Also, this method also beneficial for the tighten the skin. Thus, older patients also can benefit from this experience for the age revealing areas.

However, this method mostly uses in small areas like chin, dangling arms and face. Therefore, Laser liposuction mainly useful for patients with small spot fat problems. Also, laser liposuction cost in Turkey can be different.

liposuction cost turkey What is Vaser Liposuction and Commonly Used Areas

What is Vaser Liposuction and Commonly Used Areas

Vaser Liposuction is a treatment method which uses ultrasound energy. It withdraw unwanted fat cells from the specific parts of the body. With this ultrasound energy, it is aimed to make the body fat liquefied. Little pieces of fat cells, removed with the microcannula which is very small tubes that removes fat molecules. Thus, after the procedure, there are none body scars left. At the same time, this technique also decreases healing time. After one day rest, the patient can continue his/her daily life. Furthermore, it is statistically proved that, fats can’t come back to the Vaser liposuction infused area.

This procedure much newer than Laser Liposuction one. The main difference between two of them is Vaser Liposuction’s efficiency. While Laser liposuction focuses small specific area, surgeons can use Vaser Liposuction on all body. Also, Lazer Liposuction uses its energy to burn fat molecules, but Vaser Liposuction distributes energy uniformly. Therefore, this deployment useful for more bigger areas. After Vaser implementation more fat cells burn than Laser liposuction usage. At the same time, Vaser Liposuction cost in Turkey is more expensive than Laser Liposuction.

Advantages of Vaser Liposuction

  • Efficient removal of fat molecules. More fat cells removed after Vaser Liposuction.
  • Fat cells are remains intact. Therefore, fat molecules can easily transfer other body parts like breasts or face.
  • Better results. As already mentioned in the article, fat molecules unlikely returns in terms of Vaser application.
  • Whether Laser liposuction too tightens the skin, Vaser liposuction much more effective in this issue. Because of the uniform distribution of ultrasound technology.

Best Liposuction Clinics in Turkey

Dr. Kandulu

Dr. Kandulu

Through his education and experience in liposuction, Dr. Kandulu is at the top of our list. He mostly known his worldwide seminars to international congress. Also, he is one of the liposuction advisors of the International ECAMS Academy. Moreover, he is the most successful user of the Vaser Liposuction technique in Turkey. Because, he mainly specialized in this technique. At the same time, his article’s on Vaser Liposuction published lots of academic journal and books.

With his successful Vaser Liposuction implementation, Dr. Kandulu provides their patients to comfortable and reliable experience. Beside Vaser Liposuction treatment, he also makes operations like High-Def Vaser Liposculpture, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), Arm-Leg-Abdomen-Body Stretching Surgeries, Hand Rejuvenation Surgery and Hip Aesthetics.

To getting reliable prices, it will be better if the patient is subjected to a preliminary medical examination. Because, prices can change from patient to patient through their health condition and expected areas.

We cannot give strict price but price range fluctuating between 2.200€ and 8.000€. If you are interested, you can easily reach a detailed information and appointment from contact information that stated below.

Phone: +90 (532) 053 98 75


leyla arvas

Op. Dr. Leyla Arvas

Dr. Leyla Arvas especially focuses on “High Definition Liposcultring” for the patients who wants more athletic body. She uses Vaser Liposuction technique to create this body proportion. Also, her clinic also provides treatments like Rhinoplasty, Eyelid Aesthetic and Face Lift.

Her price change to changing through patients’ expected areas or health situation. However, we can say that Vaser Liposuction price in her clinic nearly costs for patients like 5.000€.

For detailed information and appointment:

Phone Number: +90 (212) 241 46 24


bülent cihantimur

Op. Dr. Bülent Cihantimur

He also known as Dr. B.  He is often mentioned by the innovations he has added to the aesthetic world. In terms of liposuction he famous with his technique called “Cihantimur Fat Transfer System”.

Dr B.’s liposuction price range changes between 5.000€ and 12.000€

For more information, you can get contact with Dr. Bülent Cihantimur.

Phone Number: +90 (532) 378 3845


milano clinic

Milano Clinic

With the expert team in their fields, Milano Clinic is one of Turkey’s major aesthetic clinics. Not just only liposuction, clinic serves patients to wide range of aesthetical surgery possibilities like abdominal stretching aesthetics, nose aesthetics and hip aesthetics at the same time.

In terms of liposuction, Clinic’s prices starting with the 3.100€. Also we can say that, prices can changing through patients.

For more information and getting an appointment, you can get contact with Milano Clinic.

Phone Number: +90 (212) 215 55 70


op. dr. metin kerem

Op. Dr. Metin Kerem

He works with the boutique clinic called “Clinic Arts”. In this clinic surgical procedures implemented by Dr. Metin Kerem. Also, he is a plastic surgeon who accredited by the “European Union Plastic Surgery Board”.

For liposuction implementation, his price starting by 4.000€. However, it can be changed so we recommend you contact him or clinic to achieve more reliable prices.

Contact information:

Phone Number: +90(212) 257 80 00

Liposuctions Costs and Liposuction Clinics in Turkey

Last but not least, liposuction cost Turkey are variable. Because, main reason is patients. So as we said, prices can change from patient to patient through their health condition and expected areas.

Liposuctions Cost Turkey and Liposuction Clinics in Turkey

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